Converting Leads to Phone Conversations

How to engage on LinkedIn

Once an interested prospect responds to your Linkedin campaign it's important to take the prospect to a phone conversation. Here are a few example messages to use to engage with interested individuals and move the conversation to a phone call:

Example Messages

Hi NAME I would love to talk with you more over a call. Are you available at time on date? Also, what is the best phone number and email to send you a calendar invite?
Hi NAME thanks for the response. Let's set up a time to talk. Use this link to set a time that is convenient with your schedule: insert appointment scheduler link here.


People who show interest need to be taken to a phone conversation ASAP. LinkedIn messaging is like "text messages" and it can be easy for people to forget what a conversation was about/ not respond. Make sure to ask for their contact information (phone/email) as soon as they show interest.

Virtual Assistant

At Amptek Growth, we can manage your LinkedIn inbox so you never have to worry about booking calls. We will do all the follow up and get prospects who show interest in your product/service directly on your calendar. Contact us at ( to opt into this feature and learn more.